Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Anxiety is kicking my butt


I'm Sarah. I'm a hard worker, I'm persistent, and I struggle with anxiety. It usually occurs when I'm thinking about finances, socializing with people, or pre-performance. It's been a long struggle, but it's one I refuse to give up. I've found ways to manage it so far, and I'm only hoping to get better. So I guess the reason I'm writing this tonight is because I recently had a interaction with a coworker that left me feeling like a total dick to her, when I hadn't intended it to come across that way. I can see now that it was. I also found out the reasoning behind her coming to talk to me. She has to talk to one of our supervisors about her unit load this semester. At this point I've reached a new low. I had been telling her whenever one of her residents had come to talk to me, or asked if I was her RA. I hadn't realized the damage I was doing to my coworker. The anxiety I am feeling as a result is unpleasant and I'm not sure how to alleviate it. I have this urge to keep apologizing profusely, even though I've already apologized to my coworker a couple times already. I am hoping this anxiety fades because I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight if it doesn't. Speaking of sleep, I recently have been having issues having a restful night sleep. I think it's partially because I am using electronics so late, but also I think it's exercise. In light of the few really bad nights, I have started exercising again, and so far I think it's helped. I've woken up less, but I'm still a bit restless. I'm hoping once my body gets used to moving it won't give me so many problems. Anyway, that is what my night has consisted of and this is really just going to be an outlet for me to vent, worry, and hopefully find some self-reflection later on down the line. Feel free to leave a comment if you've been through similar, or struggle with some of the things I do.


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